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 [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL) 
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 21:18
Age: 52
Messages: 29
Ecurie: Rallying For Holland
N° de pilote: 441

Netherlands (nl)

 [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
SS: NOM DE LA SS/NAME OF SS: Penmachno-South
Lieu/Place : PAYS/COUNTRY: Wales/Pays de Galles
Distance: 15,7 km
Surface : Gravel
Contributeurs/Contributors: None yet
Progrès WIP/Progress WIP: 5%

Dernière édition par MarcusNL le Dim 1 Nov 2009 21:56, édité 2 fois.

Sam 22 Aoû 2009 15:49
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
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Message Re: [WIP BTB] Penmachno-South
Hi Marcus,

It's your project Marcus ?  =D>


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Sam 22 Aoû 2009 20:39
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 21:18
Age: 52
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Ecurie: Rallying For Holland
N° de pilote: 441

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: [WIP BTB] Penmachno-South
Yes, it's my new project. The first project, Vollenhove, is now being finalized by Bas van Wordragen, I'm hoping to place the 1.0 download in a few weeks time.

For this stage I am now in the bad bit of putting terrains together and have the altitudes run smoothly..

Sam 22 Aoû 2009 21:39
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Mar 7 Juil 2009 06:42
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Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Hey Marcus,

Hoever ben je al?
Lijkt me gaaf om die een keer te rijden!! :-D

groeten Jordy

Mar 15 Déc 2009 09:51
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)

je vient prendre des nouvelles de votre projet

pour savoir si il est toujours en cours de travail  en standby ou abandonner



Dim 14 Mar 2010 18:48
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Ven 19 Juin 2009 21:18
Age: 52
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Ecurie: Rallying For Holland
N° de pilote: 441

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
This project is on standby just now, awaiting the finishing of Vollenhove.

Also there is a BTB version made with Zaxxon's method, and a version built by the .max files retrieved from RC2000, yet i don't know which version is going to be built.

Jeu 18 Mar 2010 20:49
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 11:23
Age: 44
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France (fr)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Thank you for your answer


Ven 19 Mar 2010 17:59
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Jeu 9 Mai 2013 17:36
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Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Hey Marcus,
                Just curious to where the download to Pen would be? as the link on the post wont work, google can't find the site. Could you possibly post on here? I live in the north wales area myself just a few mile from the Great Orme stage, So as you cant imagine I'm pretty excited about having one of my local stages on RBR.

Corey Owens

Ven 10 Mai 2013 10:35
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Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Thu 18 Mar 2010 19:49 here  MarcusNL a écrit:
This project is on standby just now, awaiting the finishing of Vollenhove.

Also there is a BTB version made with Zaxxon's method, and a version built by the .max files retrieved from RC2000, yet i don't know which version is going to be built.


I have a question, how do you export the stages from Rally Championship 2000 into Max? I've always wanted to port the stages of that great game into RBR.


Jeu 25 Juil 2013 10:09
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Jeu 9 Mai 2013 17:36
Age: 28
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Localisation: North Wales
N° de pilote: 1494
Pseudo Live: McRae9507

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Should be the same right? Try putting there files into a folder caked RXRSRBR if the folder isn't in your rbr folder then create it :) don't if that doesn't work, add them to the tracks folder in your rbr folder, I think you'll have to put physics and textures into the right folders for it to work this way... This was all a quess so I hope I've been of help! :)

Post via Windows Smartphone Image

Corey Owens

Jeu 25 Juil 2013 11:48
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 08:30
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Hungary (hu)

Message Re: [WIP] Penmachno-South - (by MarcusNL)
Thu 25 Jul 2013 09:09 here  LuisTyphoon a écrit:

I have a question, how do you export the stages from Rally Championship 2000 into Max? I've always wanted to port the stages of that great game into RBR.


Some years ago BlackF write a script which can extract tracks from RC2000. But with no UV map, so you need to remap the whole track.

All RC2000 can downloadable in .max files here:

I think these are contains only the "ground", treewall and fence, there are no objects on it.

If I remember well the RC2000 using .lwo 3d model files, you can open them with Lightwave modeler.

Jeu 25 Juil 2013 13:36
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