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 Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee 
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Mer 2 Mar 2011 09:39
Age: 34
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Localisation: Neupré(Liège)
N° de pilote: 3111
Pseudo Live: Sam Robert

Belgium (be)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Dernier message de la page précédente :
oui c'est chaud en tout cas XD

Plus Fort, Plus Haut, Plus Loin!
¡Más fuerte, más alto, más lejos!

Ven 25 Mai 2012 17:57
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Dim 16 Sep 2012 20:07
Messages: 11
Team: Team van Stipriaan
Ecurie: Stipriaan
Pseudo Live: Walther001

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee

Maybe I have missed it in the above replies and apologies if so, but before I start installing it and doing countless of hours on this MOD can we use it in 2013 season?

Thanks and you guys have done magic with Ralleysim!

Merci Bien!


Dim 30 Déc 2012 23:01
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Lun 11 Mai 2009 16:27
Age: 42
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France (fr)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee

You can use test session of this week and next week to test if everything works correctly with RSRBR.

And you can use the forum support if you've got any problems.

Le forum est le meilleur endroit pour obtenir de l'aide. Plus de personnes peuvent vous aider et les réponses peuvent aider d'autres pilotes.
Forum is the best place to get help. More poeple can help you and answer can be useful for everybody !

Ven 4 Jan 2013 13:53
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Mer 24 Juin 2009 19:29
Messages: 70
Localisation: Barcelona
Ecurie: Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 373

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Hi, I did a first test wit this plug-in.


Install plug-in
Backup Maps Folder  *stress
Save replay of Rally School stage
Testing plug-in. Change pacenote, add news, delete current, change position pace note, etc... with the saved replay
Testing with RSRBR
Testing in Official Session

Result: All OK!!!!  :D/  :D/

Only one suggestion. Is necessary to disable the plug-in for a correct work in RSRBR. This action is not possible to do directly in RBR SSE. Is necessary to edit the file pacenote.ini

Thanks to everybody involved in this plug-in and Rallyesim staff.  o|:)  =D>

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Ven 4 Jan 2013 21:06
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Dim 16 Sep 2012 20:07
Messages: 11
Team: Team van Stipriaan
Ecurie: Stipriaan
Pseudo Live: Walther001

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Brilliant stuff...!

Thanks to Workerbee and the others for this plugin!
Will do my test this weekend..

Merci Bien Rallyesim..! Thanks Bea-C!

@ dnafria:

" Only one suggestion. Is necessary to disable the plug-in for a correct work in RSRBR. This action is not possible to do directly in RBR SSE. Is necessary to edit the file pacenote.ini "

Ok, so before I start my test online session I need to disable the plugin? Do you know why that is?

Many thanks for the tests!


Ven 4 Jan 2013 22:34
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Mer 24 Juin 2009 19:29
Messages: 70
Localisation: Barcelona
Ecurie: Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 373

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Ven 4 Jan 2013 21:34 ici  walther001 a écrit:
Ok, so before I start my test online session I need to disable the plugin? Do you know why that is?

Many thanks for the tests!


Yes. In exe "normal" GO (no RBR SSE) and with plug-in enable, I had a conflicts with sounds, (maybe physics?!) and camera position (movements with mouse)... With a plug-in disable (all 3 options in file PaceNote.ini) all is ok.

I wait your test results...  ;-)

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Sam 5 Jan 2013 00:11
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Dim 16 Sep 2012 20:07
Messages: 11
Team: Team van Stipriaan
Ecurie: Stipriaan
Pseudo Live: Walther001

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Ok so far no issues and running like a charm.. But I haven't changed the pacenotes much other than the standard nummeric swapped and extended ini's..
Do you still use camhack? I know I had some issues before with the mouse suddenly being activated in camhack, but this was before the pacenote plugin..

This is my rig and camhack to me feels better for setting it up..

Post via iPad Image

Sam 5 Jan 2013 01:17
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
There are a lot of big mad on Rallyesim  ](*,)  ](*,)  ](*,)  :DDD  :DDD

It's not a play-seat  [-X It's a car !!!

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Sam 5 Jan 2013 03:01
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Dim 16 Sep 2012 20:07
Messages: 11
Team: Team van Stipriaan
Ecurie: Stipriaan
Pseudo Live: Walther001

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
haha... Are you calling me 'mad' Fifou?  :-D Yeah pretty happy with it.. :-D

It's the proto type Subaru which was just madness to drive with the 580hp.. Loved it..
I haven't seen in RSRBR 2013 by the way?

Sam 5 Jan 2013 12:07
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Ven 15 Mai 2009 10:00
Age: 53
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Localisation: Rodez

France (fr)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee

Ma chaine Image. Abonnez-vous

Sam 5 Jan 2013 13:49
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Mer 24 Juin 2009 19:29
Messages: 70
Localisation: Barcelona
Ecurie: Team Catalonia
N° de pilote: 373

Catalunya (ct)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
This mornig I test the plug-in, directly driving in "GO". No problem!!  :D/

I need 2 hours for a new pacenotes in Hadrek 1...  #-o I hope to be more faster in the future...  ;-)

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Sam 5 Jan 2013 14:41
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Dim 16 Sep 2012 20:07
Messages: 11
Team: Team van Stipriaan
Ecurie: Stipriaan
Pseudo Live: Walther001

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
You can change the pacenotes in GO as well and that's when the sound goes, but if you retire and start over it seems to work fine for me..
No real issues encountered so far! and pretty happy with the result..

Will continue to test today and tomorrow...

Sam 5 Jan 2013 19:02
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Soundproblems also occur when changing the pacenotes using RBR.dll: sometimes enginesound just changes a bit, sometimes it completely goes away. Sounds like the same problem

Dim 6 Jan 2013 14:32
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Sam 4 Fév 2012 18:01
Messages: 81
Localisation: Lummerland

Germany (de)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Sun 6 Jan 2013 13:32 here  Zakraket a écrit:
Soundproblems also occur when changing the pacenotes using RBR.dll: sometimes enginesound just changes a bit, sometimes it completely goes away. Sounds like the same problem

Neither rbrdll nor the pacenote plugin have issues with the engine sound.

Vanilla RBR actually has a problem with restoring the engine sound correctly after pausing the game (via ESC).
Unfortunately the pacenote plugin uses RBR's functions to mute/unmute the sound when pausing the replay, so the issue is more likely to occur.

RBR's engine sound problem is known and has been fixed in FixUp version 1.8 and higher.

So I recommend updating your FixUp plugin to the latest 1.9.3 release before complaining about sound issues. ;)

Dim 6 Jan 2013 20:58
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Dim 23 Jan 2011 14:48
Messages: 93
Team: Team Abu Dhabi (Pro WRC Team)
N° de pilote: 7561

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Yes, you are right :)

Wasn.'t really complaining, just mentioning that the described soundissue already existed before your plugin

Dim 6 Jan 2013 21:30
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Pacenote Plug-in de WorkerBee
Well, the sound problems have been there in the RSRBR environment for ages. However, I've been investigating this for a few days now, and finally, after trying every setup change one can imagine, I've come up with the most simple solution one can think of:

Remove eq_mix.dll out of the Plugins folder.

Don't delete the file. Put it in a backup folder.

I have no idea what that file is exactly and where is it from, but I doubt it's anything worthwhile. I am one happy individual now. :)

Dernière édition par porridge le Lun 7 Jan 2013 01:43, édité 2 fois.

Dim 6 Jan 2013 22:17
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