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 handbrake in rbr 
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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message handbrake in rbr
  • I ask about the mechanics of the handbrake functioning in RBR. I know that some wheels can be moded to have the ebrake act as the handbrake, but most of these mods use a switch to activate the ebrake, hence in a digital fashion [either ON or OFF]. I have a suspicion that RBR can use an analogue input for the hbrake [using variable resistor values, ie- like the brake and accelerator, 0-100%, not on/off], is this true?
  • If so, im wanting to attempt to make a handbrake using a PS2/XBox controller, using the analogue stick part of the circuit, connected mechanically to vehicle handbrake unit, as the control input, i have read . Has anyone tried this before or heard of any mods that achieve this. I found this on another forum  , it claims that multiple controllers can be used in RBR, ie:- steering wheel plus console controller for handbrake. Im curious as to what folk here think about this concept.
  • i have used the rallysim search function numerous times but cant find any details here, sorry.

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dim 21 Déc 2014 05:45
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: handbrake in rbr
21 Déc 2014 04:45 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
[list][*] I ask about the mechanics of the handbrake functioning in RBR. I know that some wheels can be moded to have the ebrake act as the handbrake, but most of these mods use a switch to activate the ebrake, hence in a digital fashion [either ON or OFF]. I have a suspicion that RBR can use an analogue input for the hbrake [using variable resistor values, ie- like the brake and accelerator, 0-100%, not on/off], is this true?
Of course RBR accepts two systems.  :P
Otherwise, why would show a progress bar in the control panel to a binary signal ?  :-:

21 Déc 2014 04:45 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
[*]If so, im wanting to attempt to make a handbrake using a PS2/XBox controller, using the analogue stick part of the circuit, connected mechanically to vehicle handbrake unit, as the control input, i have read .

You are not the only one to have this brilliant idea, and it is completely realizable .  =;
But you did not seek enough on Internet!
Try : handbrake with an old joystick

21 Déc 2014 04:45 ici  Leevvii a écrit:
Has anyone tried this before or heard of any mods that achieve this. I found this on another forum  , it claims that multiple controllers can be used in RBR, ie:- steering wheel plus console controller for handbrake. Im curious as to what folk here think about this concept.
RBR can use several separate devices.
for example, a steering wheel (G27 - usb entry), a hand brake (arcteam - another usb entry), a shifter H (FANATEC - one more another usb entry) into a single configuration .  :D/

Dim 21 Déc 2014 06:12
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Apprenti pilote
Apprenti pilote

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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: handbrake in rbr
Of course RBR Accepts two systems. Otherwise, Why Would show a progress bar in the control panel to a binary signal?

Thank you, i just wanted confirmation.  o|:) You guys are the closest i have access to on all things RBR, im grateful.

You are not the only one to-have this brilliant idea

:DDD  :DDD seriously, im not that arrogent as to believe i was. I just cant seem to locate much information relating to same, thank you for the link. my search skills are attrocious.

RBR can use several separate devices.

Once again, just seeking confirmation of this. o|:) Now, i just need to get around to doing it, i will notify when sucess is achieved. *stress

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dim 21 Déc 2014 07:35
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: handbrake in rbr
you say : "Once again, just seeking confirmation of this"  8-)

I do not well understand the meaning of your answer.  #-o
Google and other translators are only writing words, without the mind .....  :GGG

Are you saying you do not believe me ?  :((
Do you mean you doubt the veracity of my answer ? *stress

I remind you that I use RBR since 2004 ......  :D/  :D/

Dim 21 Déc 2014 07:44
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Apprenti pilote
Apprenti pilote

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Dim 29 Juin 2014 01:00
Age: 57
Messages: 93
Localisation: Cesnok
N° de pilote: 74
Pseudo Live: Leevvii-AU

Australia (au)

Message Re: handbrake in rbr
NO NO NO, the conformation was just for my own piece of mind, no poor reflection on you, or anyone else, thank you for your help is what i tried to say. I will say it using Smilies   o|:)  *thanks  :D/  =D>
You guys are the to closest i have access to on all things RBR, im grateful.
this is a very large complement.

HINT:- Your english speaking, and new here, yes? if you use the google translate function and my/the reply seems to be in poor english, put your mouse cursor over the text in the reply, hold it there, and the original text will be displayed in a popup window overlay. might make more sense then ,......i said might LOL

Dernière édition par Leevvii le Dim 21 Déc 2014 07:54, édité 1 fois.

Dim 21 Déc 2014 07:52
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: handbrake in rbr
Ouf ......  :D/  :D/
greats thanks  Leevvii  ...
And so long !  =D>

Dim 21 Déc 2014 07:54
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