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 Throttle problem 
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Dim 24 Jan 2010 13:03
Age: 31
Messages: 42
Localisation: Twente
Team: S.A.R.T. WRT
Ecurie: S.A.R.T.
N° de pilote: 538
Pseudo Live: RallyJip92-NL

Netherlands (nl)

Message Throttle problem
I need some help with my throttle. When I apply 10 to 20% of throttle I get around 90% power from the engine. It is impossible to gradually apply throttle. For example in monte stages you don't want 90% of engine power when driving on ice. It only spin the tyres and it makes it impossble to drive cautious.
I drive with a logitech steering and pedal set. I tried everthing in Logitech profiler but nothing works to solve the problem.

Is there a solution for this?


Sam 13 Jan 2018 14:50
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Jeu 20 Mar 2014 15:21
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Greece (gr)

Message Re: Throttle problem
Maybe changing the curves inside game give you the response you want


Sam 13 Jan 2018 14:55
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Dim 24 Jan 2010 13:03
Age: 31
Messages: 42
Localisation: Twente
Team: S.A.R.T. WRT
Ecurie: S.A.R.T.
N° de pilote: 538
Pseudo Live: RallyJip92-NL

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Throttle problem
Thanks for the advice but it does not solve the problem. That shifst only the point from where I get 90% of the engine power. My throttle pedal is acting like a on off swith. No power or all power. I am able to reach top speed with only applying 10% throttle.


Sam 13 Jan 2018 16:10
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Throttle problem
Did you change the steering wheel or did the problem suddenly appear on your old steering wheel?

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Sam 13 Jan 2018 16:34
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
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Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Throttle problem

tu peux essayer ceci: DXTweak2




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Sam 13 Jan 2018 17:03
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Dim 24 Jan 2010 13:03
Age: 31
Messages: 42
Localisation: Twente
Team: S.A.R.T. WRT
Ecurie: S.A.R.T.
N° de pilote: 538
Pseudo Live: RallyJip92-NL

Netherlands (nl)

Message Re: Throttle problem
Did not change anything. I don't know for howlong I have driving this problem. Last year I only did championships with ngp and I didn't noticed anything. Now I drive with the old physics again I noticed. I drive on a very old win7 computer with only rbr and maybe two other games installed on it.
Reinstalling logitech profiler also does not help.

>> Fusion automatique -- Sat 13 Jan 2018 16:16 -- Automatic merge <<

Sat 13 Jan 2018 16:03 here  Cromax a écrit:

tu peux essayer ceci: DXTweak2


I tried that also but that also didn't work. Maybe because I don't get it to work. I only found spanish and french videos about dxtweak (I don't speak any of those languages). I found some english versions but I have no idea what I need to do. I just don't get it.


Sam 13 Jan 2018 17:16
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