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 [Solved] logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem 
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Dim 10 Avr 2011 20:20
Age: 37
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Localisation: west wales

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 [Solved] logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
Hi i have searched the forum and i have found the same problem as me but no solution.

so I bought fanatec csl pedals to go with my g25 , the problem i have is the throttle on pedals use x axis and the g25 steering also uses x axis .

I can get the pedals to work but then the steering is not recognised. If i unplug the pedals then the g25 is recognised. I have tried a lot of different settings but can not get it to work. does anyone else here use the fanatec pedals? thankyou Arwyn

Jeu 7 Fév 2019 21:37
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem

try this :

1 - Connect to the PC "only" the G25.

In RBR (RsCenter must be closed), and in the MULLIGATAWNY profile (the one created by RsCenter), you set "only" the G25,
you set all the necessary assignments except those concerning the pedals of Fanatec (2 or 3 axes: accelerator, brake, clutch).
You save the profile, you quit RBR.

2 - Add the Fanatec pedals to the PC.

Return to RBR in the "Options Menu" / Controls / Controller setup / Redetect Devices.
Press this option several times.
Then go to the menu / Controller setup /
Do not touch any of the values ​​that are assigned to the G25. Do not turn the steering wheel. Do not touch any buttons. Do not touch the shift paddles.
Highlight "Throttle" and try to operate the accelerator on your Fanatec Device. If you get in the "input" column the value "throttle",
it is a success to this action,, continue the same for the other 2 "Brake" & "Clutch" pedals.

Finalize by saving the profile.

After, return to check if nothing has changed during the registration.
Finally, restart the PC.

Jeu 7 Fév 2019 22:45
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Dim 10 Avr 2011 20:20
Age: 37
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Localisation: west wales

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
Ok thankyou i will try this now, but so far everytime i connect the fanatec pedals it deletes all the assingments of the g25. It seems to me that rbr cant deal with 2 x-axis . All other games work fine

I will let you know in 30 minutes

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Jeu 7 Fév 2019 23:34
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
The other games do not present any interest ... RBR is an "old" game in 32 bits ... and is very delicate with the peripherals.
What model of Fanatec pedals do you have?

When you go to test what I sent you, respect the sequences well, do not anticipate, especially at the time of redetection of devices.

Jeu 7 Fév 2019 23:50
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Dim 10 Avr 2011 20:20
Age: 37
Messages: 55
Localisation: west wales

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
OuRaL you sir are a genius

I did exactly as you said but after i restart the pc i had to go back in to controller setup and add all the assignments for the g25 again and it then worked.

I have searched all over the internet for this and i found no solution until now
for future reference my setup is a logitech g25 + shifter with fanatec csl lc pedal

Again thankyou

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Dernière édition par A.Jones le Ven 8 Fév 2019 01:04, édité 1 fois.

Ven 8 Fév 2019 00:31
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
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Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
the subject is resolved ?    :GGG

Ven 8 Fév 2019 00:53
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Dim 10 Avr 2011 20:20
Age: 37
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Localisation: west wales

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: logitech g25 with fanatec csl lc pedals problem
yes , I can enjoy rbr once again *thanks

Ven 8 Fév 2019 01:04
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