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 No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list 
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Sam 11 Avr 2020 13:49
Messages: 8
N° de pilote: 1781
Pseudo Live: inakitxu81

Spain (es)

Message No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list
hola,participo en el campeonato y nunca salen mis tiempos en las clasificaciones, la semana 10 corri en rally fafe y en los resultados no salgo nunca

Dernière édition par inakitxu81 le Dim 21 Mar 2021 15:58, édité 1 fois.

Dim 21 Mar 2021 14:35
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: No salgo en lista

-La moindre des politesses est de dire "Bonjour" ... "Merci"...
-Les deux langues acceptées sur le forum sont le français et l'anglais.
-Vous devez demander au bon endroit, j'ai déplacé votre message.

Refaites votre demande convenablement à la suite de ce message.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 21 Mar 2021 15:28
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Sam 11 Avr 2020 13:49
Messages: 8
N° de pilote: 1781
Pseudo Live: inakitxu81

Spain (es)

Message Re: No salgo en lista
sorry men,Hello, I participate in the championship and my times in the classifications never come out, week 10 I ran in a fafe rally and in the results I never leave
i play rsrbr since 2009

Dim 21 Mar 2021 16:23
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list
Indeed, you are not in the results list for this rally:
Are you sure you attended? You say your times never show up ... What are the other rallies?
Because I see that in week 10, your times are well recorded on the French cup:

Provide your Html and 7z files for the rallies that pose a problem and wait for a response from a live manager.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 21 Mar 2021 16:44
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Sam 11 Avr 2020 13:49
Messages: 8
N° de pilote: 1781
Pseudo Live: inakitxu81

Spain (es)

Message Re: No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list
This week 12 I have registered on YouTube the participation of the Altronix rally, to show that the results are not coming
In the list that you show me if I go out but if I look for it I do not go out

Another thing that is not clear to me in the regulations is that I have to do once the rally is over, do I have to do sendtimes or sendreplay?

Mar 23 Mar 2021 02:07
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Sam 11 Avr 2020 13:49
Messages: 8
N° de pilote: 1781
Pseudo Live: inakitxu81

Spain (es)

Message Re: No salgo en lista
Sun 21 Mar 2021 14:28 here  obelix a écrit:

-La moindre des politesses est de dire "Bonjour" ... "Merci"...
-Les deux langues acceptées sur le forum sont le français et l'anglais.
-Vous devez demander au bon endroit, j'ai déplacé votre message.

Refaites votre demande convenablement à la suite de ce message.

As you can see I have run the altronix rally and I am not on the list, also in my profile it tells me remaining joker due to lost repetitions:

I still don't know what to do at the end of the rally whether to do sendtimes or sendreplay
please obelix help me, surely I'm doing something wrong

Mer 24 Mar 2021 20:18
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list
I asked you for your 7z and HTML files for analysis by a live manager.

Files in this folder.

Another thing that is not clear to me in the regulations is that I have to do once the rally is over, do I have to do sendtimes or sendreplay?

:GGG You say: "....i play rsrbr since 2009", and you still ask such questions? You must record the replay of each stage, it is clearly indicated.

You should not send anything to the server with sendtimes unless you find that your times are not saved after checking in Times checking

At the end of each rally, check if your times are on the server. I don't know why they are not in the results list.

I do not have access to this part of the live. You must wait for the passage of a live administrator (Beu-C).
Personally, I can't do anything more.


Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Jeu 25 Mar 2021 12:15
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Sam 11 Avr 2020 13:49
Messages: 8
N° de pilote: 1781
Pseudo Live: inakitxu81

Spain (es)

Message Re: No salgo en lista-I am not in the results list
Thu 25 Mar 2021 11:15 here  obelix a écrit:
I asked you for your 7z and HTML files for analysis by a live manager.

Files in this folder.

Another thing that is not clear to me in the regulations is that I have to do once the rally is over, do I have to do sendtimes or sendreplay?

:GGG You say: "....i play rsrbr since 2009", and you still ask such questions? You must record the replay of each stage, it is clearly indicated.

You should not send anything to the server with sendtimes unless you find that your times are not saved after checking in Times checking

At the end of each rally, check if your times are on the server. I don't know why they are not in the results list.

I do not have access to this part of the live. You must wait for the passage of a live administrator (Beu-C).
Personally, I can't do anything more.


If I have been a rsrbr player since 2009, with another name, my favorite car was a subaru URT from N4_2 but in public and offline sessions, until 2020 I did not get to enter the Championships, thank you for your time

Ven 26 Mar 2021 13:29
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Mer 4 Mar 2015 15:58
Age: 63
Messages: 2834
Localisation: BRUYERES VOSGES 88
Ecurie: SART
N° de pilote: 130
Pseudo Live: djess

France (fr)

Message Re: No salgo en lista
As you can see I have run the altronix rally and I am not on the list, also in my profile it tells me remaining joker due to lost repetitions:

I still don't know what to do at the end of the rally whether to do sendtimes or sendreplay
please obelix help me, surely I'm doing something wrong

Hi, you are not on the list because you must registred you here ( ) the week before the rallye to appared on the carreer list  ;-)


Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits, ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim. :)

Ven 26 Mar 2021 16:42
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