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Lun 10 Oct 2016 09:18
Messages: 31

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Any news about the release of TOYOTA YARIS WRC 2020?

Lun 23 Mar 2020 15:01
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Jeu 13 Déc 2012 14:03
Messages: 180

Aland Islands (ax)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
TOYOTA YARIS WRC 2019 updated to version 1.1.

The download link is located in the first post of this topic.
For those who have already downloaded and installed version 1.0, just download and replace the yaris_wrc.sgs file.

Changelog V1.1 (2020-03-03): Minor fixes yaris_wrc.sgc file.

Mon 23 Mar 2020 14:01 here  oviwrc a écrit:
Any news about the release of TOYOTA YARIS WRC 2020?

Sun 15 Mar 2020 17:10 here  loeb57 a écrit:
Hello Yaris wrc 2020 Finish ?  :-O()

Standard answer: work in progress...

Mar 31 Mar 2020 03:44
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Dim 25 Avr 2010 10:28
Messages: 150

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Tanks Mr Alex Racer !!

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Mar 31 Mar 2020 12:28
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Jeu 16 Juil 2020 04:54
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Pseudo Live: Juan Velasco

Colombia (co)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
I am new in this game an d in this mod, so i don´t know a few things about the instalation of cars

Plis, someone can say me how is all the process for instal this car, i would really appreciate it.


Lun 27 Juil 2020 21:06
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
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France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
27 Juil 2020 20:06 ici  Juan Velasco a écrit:
I am new in this game an d in this mod, so i don´t know a few things about the instalation of cars

Plis, someone can say me how is all the process for instal this car, i would really appreciate it.


First of all, take the precaution of performing a double installation of the game so as not to mix up the healthy data installed with the last update,
which allows you to be operational if you will compete regularly whether it is solo, career, team or in a pro team.
The fact of installing and uninstalling car models not yet integrated in an official update (therefore not checked or officially tested), or physics to test them,
or audio files, or even specials to be tested can lead to a state of instability of the base game "RBR" and require you to reinstall or at least to repair sometimes difficult ...

All moders and testers have dual installation ...  :-:

To create a double installation, you have a tutorial .

Once your double installation is done, in your installation reserved for your tests or your discoveries, follow this tutorial to install a car. .
Note that you should not use RSRBR, it is indicated.  =;

If you are having difficulty performing these tasks, please do not continue posting in this forum, but in a forum dedicated to troubleshooting RSRBR software.  :(->

Mar 28 Juil 2020 19:57
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Lun 27 Juil 2020 20:06 ici  Juan Velasco a écrit:
I am new in this game an d in this mod, so i don´t know a few things about the instalation of cars

Plis, someone can say me how is all the process for instal this car, i would really appreciate it.



Your live pseudo is: Juan Velasco

I updated   o|:)

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 9 Aoû 2020 08:52
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Jeu 27 Aoû 2020 12:48
Messages: 1

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Hello, is it possible to modify interior of the yaris to more realistic? It would be so much nicer to drive the car with VR if you were sitting more in back of the car like in real life. Also you cant see seats when driving with VR. Also it feels that cars dash is hiding too much your view when compared to real yaris.

Kindly regards, OV

Here is link to image:[/img]

Jeu 27 Aoû 2020 14:02
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Lun 7 Sep 2020 04:43
Messages: 2

Finland (fi)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer

Do you know why Yaris 2018 makes the game crash on certain stages? (Semetin 2010) Is the 3d model too big? i have made texture files very small and it helps little bit. Fiesta, Hyundai and C3 dont make the game crash for me. I drive in VR. Biggest problem is that if i drive in tournament and it makes the game crash its not so good.
In this tournament they drive Semetin 2010 two times and first time it dont make the game crash but its very likely that the second time it makes the game crash.
Can you contact me. i hope we can find a solution for this
Thanks for great work. pushing the limits for better ;)

Lun 7 Sep 2020 06:01
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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N° de pilote: 684
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Lun 7 Sep 2020 05:01 ici  ylioihei a écrit:

Do you know why Yaris 2018 makes the game crash on certain stages? (Semetin 2010) Is the 3d model too big? i have made texture files very small and it helps little bit. Fiesta, Hyundai and C3 dont make the game crash for me. I drive in VR. Biggest problem is that if i drive in tournament and it makes the game crash its not so good.
In this tournament they drive Semetin 2010 two times and first time it dont make the game crash but its very likely that the second time it makes the game crash.
Can you contact me. i hope we can find a solution for this
Thanks for great work. pushing the limits for better ;)

For a software problem, you should use the  part "Software support"  of the forum.

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Mer 9 Sep 2020 19:57
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Lun 10 Oct 2016 09:18
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Romania (ro)
Dim 13 Déc 2020 12:13
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Dim 25 Avr 2010 10:28
Messages: 150

France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Hello Mr alex racer

Your yaris wrc 2020 and finished


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Ven 1 Jan 2021 22:24
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Jeu 13 Déc 2012 14:03
Messages: 180

Aland Islands (ax)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Fri 1 Jan 2021 21:24 here  loeb57 a écrit:
Hello Mr alex racer

Your yaris wrc 2020 and finished


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Dernière édition par Alex RACER le Dim 13 Juin 2021 01:16, édité 1 fois.

Mer 19 Mai 2021 02:06
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Sam 18 Juil 2009 13:09
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Italy (it)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Wow!!!  :o
Thanks Mr. Alex

Mer 19 Mai 2021 07:17
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Lun 10 Oct 2016 09:18
Messages: 31

Romania (ro)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer
Wow.I hope very soon the release of it.Great job Alex =D>

Jeu 20 Mai 2021 18:39
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Dim 25 Avr 2010 10:28
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France (fr)

Message Re: [RELEASED] TOYOTA YARIS WRC19 by arecer

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Jeu 27 Mai 2021 16:21
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