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 [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching 
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Sam 19 Jan 2013 20:39
Messages: 4
Pseudo Live: Lorimer

Greece (gr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Dernier message de la page précédente :
Sorry to disappoint you guys but the problem is not solved for me.

I tried to launch the game using the "Lanceur d'Add Ons RSRBR" and the only difference is that it changed the default stage.

Instead of the Argentinian gravel BTB stage now it loads a tarmac one probably in Portugal, I can't exactly remember.

Maybe I am doing something wrong as I find a little bit difficult to understand the previous messages and the proposed solution.

Keep trying gentlemen and thanks for all your efforts and the support so far...

Sam 2 Fév 2013 13:43
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
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Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
02 Fév 2013 12:43 ici  Lorimer a écrit:
Sorry to disappoint you guys but the problem is not solved for me.

I tried to launch the game using the "Lanceur d'Add Ons RSRBR" and the only difference is that it changed the default stage.

Instead of the Argentinian gravel BTB stage now it loads a tarmac one probably in Portugal, I can't exactly remember.

Maybe I am doing something wrong as I find a little bit difficult to understand the previous messages and the proposed solution.

Keep trying gentlemen and thanks for all your efforts and the support so far...

Hi Lorimer,

Do you want to use TeamViewer soft with me if you want? I can look directly what is going wrong on your computer. You can be with me to help me (for translation :)), and I can perhaps resolve your problem like this.

Or, I can be on the RSRBR Chat to talk directly with you and give you instructions to do.

It's like you want :)

Best regards

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Sam 2 Fév 2013 15:24
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Sam 19 Jan 2013 20:39
Messages: 4
Pseudo Live: Lorimer

Greece (gr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Hey Dawn, feel free to give it a try. I am waiting for instructions on how to use the chat and I have teamviewer already installed.

Dim 3 Fév 2013 19:57
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
I answer you by private message  o|:)

Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Dim 3 Fév 2013 22:44
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Ven 5 Avr 2013 01:52
Messages: 2

Greece (gr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Hello. First of all congratulations on the excellent job with RSRBR. Amazing!

I installed everything from scratch following your tutorials and everything works fine except the two BTR tracks i tried:

BTB Argentina

When loading any of the two tracks i get the following error:


The track plays ok, but probably some shadow effect is missing.

BTB France

The first track works fine, the second track also displays some errors (objects missing, e.t.c).

I noticed that the contents of the RX_CONTENTS in Argentina is always empty, but in the first track in BTB France it contains the shadowvolume.fx so this track plays fine.

My conclusion is that something is not extracted correctly in the RX_CONTENTS while loading some tracks. I can't open the .7z BTB files to check if anything is missing because they are password protected.

Is it a problem with these BTB packs or i am missing something?

Ven 5 Avr 2013 16:16
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
" ...some errors (objects missing, e.t.c)."

No problem ! Your picture is good.
Normal on BTB, it is not you, it's for everyone.


Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Ven 5 Avr 2013 16:35
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Ven 5 Avr 2013 01:52
Messages: 2

Greece (gr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Thanks for the info. Glad to know that it is not a problem with my installation.

I guess that collision problems (car passing through most objects), is also normal with BTB tracks, right?

Ven 5 Avr 2013 17:00
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
Messages: 6954
Localisation: Sivry - Rance (Hainaut)
N° de pilote: 684
Pseudo Live: obelix

Belgium (be)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Ven 5 Avr 2013 15:00 ici  GeoMan a écrit:
Thanks for the info. Glad to know that it is not a problem with my installation.

I guess that collision problems (car passing through most objects), is also normal with BTB tracks, right?

Yes, non-existent collisions are a problem of BTB

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

Avant de poster: utilisez la fonction Rechercher et vous trouverez probablement solution à votre problème.
Before you post: use the function Search and you will probably find solution for your problem.


Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Ven 5 Avr 2013 17:11
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Lun 8 Avr 2013 23:32
Age: 43
Messages: 1
N° de pilote: 3148
Pseudo Live: csainz22

Greece (gr)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Version de l'utilitaire de dιpannage : 7.7.5
Version de l'update installιe : 02
Version de l'update prise en charge par cet utilitaire : 02
Configuration de l'utilisateur :
Processeur : AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics - Nb de core : 4
RAM : 4,194 Go dont 3,855 Go de libres
Carte graphique : AMD Radeon(TM) HD 6520G                  
Nombre d'ιcran(s) : 1
Rιsolution ιcran : 1366 x 768
Rιsolution de jeu : 1024 x 768
Espace libre sur le lecteur oω se trouve RBR/RSRBR : 533,16 Go / 678,96 Go au total
Systθme d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium 64bits Service Pack 1
Richard Burns Rally est installι dans : C:\RSR\
Type de session en cours : Administrateur
Statut de ChronoManager : Non activι
Sons 2010 : Non installιs
Anti-virus : Norton AntiVirus
Horloge Windows : Temps Internet dιsactivι (service)
Nombre de processus lancιs : 83
Contenu du fichier RichardBurnsRally.ini :

ConstantForceMultiplier = -60
Depth = 32
ForceFeedback = true
Fullscreen = true
MinDepthBits = 24
MinStencilBits = 8
ParticleQuality = high
RenderQuality = high
RunIntro = false
RunStartup = false
Sound = true
UseCubicEnvironmentMaps = true
UseEAX = false
UseSoftwareAudio = false
UseTripleScreenBuffers = false
WaitRetrace = true
XRes = 1024
YRes =768

Liste des plugins installιs :
- Equalizer ( eq_mix.dll )
- FixUp ( FixUp.dll )
- Correctif ZModeler ( Z.dll )
- BobsTrackBuilder ( ZZZrbr_rx.dll )
Fichiers manquants :
  Fichier manquant : C:\RSR\Cars\evo_IX\rbr_006.JPG
*** Rapport gιnιrι le Παρασκευή 12/04/2013  ΰ  04:17:31 ***

I have the similar problem with the other guys. Firstly I downloaded and installed the BTB Finland & BTB USA and the game worked fine with any kind of BTB stage. When I downloaded and installed BTB Madagascar, the games loads one specific stage from BTB Madagascar, whatever I have choose to play. I uninstalled RSCenter2013 (but not RBR), reinstall it, and reinstall the track package, car package, update01, fixupdate1 and update02. Also I installed from BTB only the BTB Finland, but it continues to load the specific stage from BTB Madagascar, as it did before.
I tried to launch RSCenter from LanceurAddOns, but it has no difference.

Any kind of help?

Ven 12 Avr 2013 23:50
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Jeu 9 Mai 2013 17:36
Age: 28
Messages: 8
Localisation: North Wales
N° de pilote: 1494
Pseudo Live: McRae9507

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: [RESOLVED p9] BTB Country error at the launching
Hey guys, Noticed other people are having problems with BTB stages on Public?  I just tried a lobby I created using portugal, rallycross and Poland BTB stages, and it came up with an error box saying in the top left, "BTB Stages" and then in the center, "download and Install addon [] for Public Sessions." I would upload a pic for people but theres only Link options instead of a real upload. Anyway the stages all work fine in alone sessions was using them yesterday. So does anyone happen to know whats going on with this if so a PM or reply on here would be great!
Cheers Guys!

Corey Owens

Lun 20 Mai 2013 19:49
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