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 About RSRBR installation tutorial 
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message About RSRBR installation tutorial
This isn't really important to me personally, just asking out of curiosity.

I know the dates in the download section can often be misleading, but are you updating the track pack during the year (just like you do with the full car pack)? This interests me because according to the official tutorial (viewtopic.php?p=181480#p181480), you advise users to install mandatory updates before the track pack, which to me is intriguing because people who have moved to RSRBR2012 already in December haven't obviously installed the components in that order.

So if I was to download RSRBR right now for the first time, would the Sweet Lamb fix (Update 5) be overwritten again with the files in the track pack?

Dim 12 Aoû 2012 13:22
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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Message Re: About RSRBR installation tutorial
There is no change on the installation program for Track pack.

All new track or fix are NOT INCLUDES in the track pack.

If there is just one rule to remember when you install RSRBR -> Updates must be the last thing you install. :)

You can install cars pack before tracks pack or tracks pack before cars pack if you want it's not a problem.

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Dim 12 Aoû 2012 14:37
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: About RSRBR installation tutorial
OK. Merci for the quick reply, PHIL63. :)

Dim 12 Aoû 2012 15:00
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