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 Cars that doesn't start the engine 
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Cars that doesn't start the engine
Hi guys  o|:)
I just retired from erc because I stalled the car and it didn't start again. It's a well known problem. Is it not possible to solve this?

Sam 28 Fév 2015 14:24
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start the engine
the starter does not turn ?  :GGG
Are you sure you have returned to neutral  :GGG

Sam 28 Fév 2015 14:30
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start the engine
You seriously haven't heard of this issue before???
I always had this problem with all the rrc, since they were released. But now it seems like the evo x r4 does it too!!!
The thing is that the starter works, but it never starts the engine. You try and try, but the battery goes flat and there's no other choice than retire. Some times they start at first attempt, but if it doesn''ll probably won't start again. I try to avoid rrc's for this reason, I know it happened to other people, so I thought it was a well known issue. I was surprised not to find any post with this subject...

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Sam 28 Fév 2015 14:45
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Lun 1 Juin 2009 16:08
Age: 80
Messages: 6394
Localisation: France

France (fr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start the engine
I have not found a subject dealing with this problem .  =;
But it has happened to me with various cars other than Rrc group .
And I have not found any solution ....  #-o
Even waiting for enough time without risking the flat time, thinking it must be the engine sits a little ....  !OO!

Sorry ....  :-(

Sam 28 Fév 2015 15:11
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Lun 19 Déc 2011 19:02
Age: 32
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Greece (gr)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start the engine
I can confirm this problem on R5... I use the Peugeot 205 T16 and i face the same problem over and over... You over rev and then, turbo pressure just stays high, battery goes flat and you retire of this shit, even if you do not have hit anything...

I retired two different rallies last week.

WayTooFast Rally Team:

Sam 28 Fév 2015 17:49
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Lun 21 Nov 2011 13:54
Age: 39
Messages: 91
Localisation: Puente Arce (Cantabria)
N° de pilote: 6772
Pseudo Live: E. Lasa

Spain (es)

Message Re: Cars that doesn't start the engine
It's OK  :((
It may be worthwhile to look into this  :?:

Dim 1 Mar 2015 20:12
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