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 Problem after installing all packs 
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Pilote novice
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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Problem after installing all packs
Hi could you give me some advise please as i seem to have incured some major problems, 8 wks ago i installed RSRBR 2010 succesfully and all was well then i downloaded update 8 but i noticed the only additions and difference to game was Sweet Lamb and Milinky Replay now worked "is this correct or should have i had more upgrade's"... then last week i noticed the co drivers voice seemed to be noticably low so i decided to uninstall and then complete reinstall of RSRBR 2010 and all packs as i did previously have now installed them all my game now freezers whilst loading any AW09, AWO8, AW05,AW04,AW03 AND basicly i have A8-2, AW06,AW10 what do work could you give me some well needed advise thanks... Glen.


Ven 10 Déc 2010 03:29
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: Problem after installing all packs
When you install RSRBR you must install in order ALL the updates that you can download (03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08).
Then, after install of an update (08 in this case) you must re-dowload and re-install packs of cars (better to install pack "All cars").

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Ven 10 Déc 2010 10:36
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Pilote novice
Pilote novice

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Lun 25 Oct 2010 20:02
Age: 56
Messages: 159
Localisation: West Auckland\Co. Durham
Team: Team L.F.C
Ecurie: 99.9% of the time !!
N° de pilote: 8110
Pseudo Live: MaxAttakFutter

United Kingdom (uk)

Message Re: Problem loading Sweet Lamb
HI Phil 63
              I seemed to have incured another random problem and was wondering if you could throw some light on this for me : Everything was installed and running fine then i completed a Championship in RBR and then when i tried to have a go around Sweet Lamb it all loads correctly right up to the car tune page then when Sweet Lamb is loading it gets half way then sticks and crash's back to the RS Centre .could you help me resolve this please....  *thanks

-- Fusion automatique le Sun 7 Aug 2011 14:40 --

Sorry to bother use guy's again as i can only imagine how busy use are. Respect. :doh!-45:


Jeu 11 Aoû 2011 01:38
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