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 Help with pacenote creation 
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Sam 1 Mai 2010 09:26
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 2188

Sweden (se)

Message Help with pacenote creation
I'm trying to make some new pacenote from Youtube incar videos and have some questins/problems:

I have a problem with that some of the notes are cut off, instead of "left 3" "30" I hear "left30".

I have checked the length of the sound samples and in English the files
medium_left.ogg are 1180 ms
medium_left1.ogg are 1297 ms
medium_left2.ogg are 1310 ms
medium_left3.ogg are 934 ms
none of my new samples are longer than 1310, but does every soundfile be equal or shorter in length than the original?

As I understand it the game choose sound sample randomly.

Second question.
I have replaced the countdown waw sounds in /Game and also the ogg files in \speach\Pacenote but I still hear the
original countdown. What's wrong?
The "Go" sound is working

Next a more general question, does it make any sense to increase the quality of the sounds?
Eg. change from mono to stereo and/or increase the sampling rate?

Mar 7 Fév 2012 09:49
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Help with pacenote creation
When pacenotes cut off like that, the only explanation I can think of is that the quality of the samples is higher than 11025hz Mono. So, the OGG files must be 11025hz MONO (16-bit) (or lower, as I've heard 8000hz files working). And the file lengths are irrelevant, you don't have to make an exact copy of any existing pacenotes. So you can have millions of samples, and every single one of them can last a week if you want. Although I admit I haven't tested such extremes. :)

About countdown: 3, 2 and 1 are located in the Speech\Number: p3_, p2_ and p1_.

Mar 7 Fév 2012 19:36
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Sam 1 Mai 2010 09:26
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 2188

Sweden (se)

Message Re: Help with pacenote creation
Thanks Porridge, I found about 10 notes that still had 44400hz, I have changed them but have not had the time to test i game yet, will do that tonigth.

Regarding length of sounds, do you mean that if one sound sample is so long that it overlaps the next, the game will play both at the same time?

I will also change the countdown sounds.

Mer 8 Fév 2012 09:14
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Lun 10 Aoû 2009 20:25
Messages: 84
N° de pilote: 8668

Finland (fi)

Message Re: Help with pacenote creation
The game will never play two co-driver samples simultaneously. If a sample was "too long", the following pacenotes could be skipped. Or maybe not. I've never really thought about it.

Jeu 9 Fév 2012 00:23
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