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 comment controler ses replays? 
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:20
Age: 59
Messages: 703
Localisation: Bastia

France (fr)

Message comment controler ses replays?
Voila je cherche depuis une heure sur le forum et sur le net et je trouves pas comment controler ses replays pendant le visionnage (avance, retour, pause).
Je voudrais faire une vidéo et si je dois me taper tous les replays pour trouver les bons passages je vais y passer la semaine.
Mérci par avance  :)

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Sam 12 Sep 2009 09:34
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Utilises RBRDll ;)

Fichier d'aide de RBRDll
                 ·:  RBRdll v1.3  :·

To install RBRdll, extract this archive to your Richard
Burns Rally install directory. RBRdll Requires version
1.02 SSE of Richard Burns Rally to work.

RBRdll adds a "glare" postprocessing effect, enables replay
minihud, allows time acceleration/deceleration during replays,
adds an FPS meter, allows recording fixed-framerate AVI's,
enables new camera views, allows editing stage pacenotes,
allows three separate car setup slots for each rally, adds
mod directory support and allows to force the game to run
in a windowed mode.

To use RBRdll, run RBRdll.exe. This will launch Richard
Burns Rally with the new features enabled.

These keys can be used in-game to control RBRdll:

Time controls (during replay):
- Insert: Fast forward (hold down)
- Del: Slow motion (hold down)
- End: Pause time (hold down)
- Page Up: Accelerate time
- Page Down: Decelerate time
- Home: Reset time acceleration

Postprocessing controls:
- App-P: Postprocessing on/off
- App-Page Up: Blur strength up
- App-Page Down: Blur strength down
- App-Home: Darkening strength up
- App-End: Darkening strength down
- App-Insert: Blur Hardlight strength up
- App-Delete: Blur Hardlight strength down

AVI Recording:
- App-R: Start/resume recording
- App-E: Pause recording
- App-T: Stop recording

- App-M: Replay minihud on/off
- App-H: Help screen on/off
- App-F: FPS meter on/off
- App-N: Pacenote editor on/off
- Backspace: Drop/restore camera (replay)
- Backspace: Pause/unpause (pacenote editor)

The "App" key is the application key, located between the right
windows key and the right ctrl.

You can change various default settings by editing RBRdll.cfg
with a text editor (like Notepad). When changing settings
in-game using the keyboard shortcuts, the settings are not
saved to the configuration file.

 mod directories

Mod directories allow to use modified game files without
overwriting the original files, and allows to easily switch
between different "mods".

To enable a mod directory, run RBRdll.exe with a -mod=dirname
commandline parameter, where 'dirname' is the name of the
directory to load the game files from. After this, the game
will always first try to load any file from the mod directory,
and if it isn't found it will use the original one.

For example, you could place the audio.dat from the numeric
pacenotes mod to a directory named 'numnotes' under the
RBR directory, and run RBR with -mod=numnotes parameter to
use numeric pacenotes, and just run RBR normally to use the
original pacenotes.

You can also use multiple mod directories by separating
them with ';'. For example, -mod=mod1;mod2 would search
both 'mod1' and 'mod2' directories for game files before
using the originals. If a file exists in multiple mod
directories, the one found first will be used.

If a mod directory contains a directory named 'SavedGames'
and/or 'Replays', all savegames and replays will always be saved
to, and loaded from those directories when the mod directory
is in use.

 the pacenote editor

The pacenote editor can be used to edit the stage pacenotes
while playing. To open up the editor, press app-N in-game.

Use the editor with the mouse. At the left side of the screen
there is a real time 'top-down' view of your car, with pace-
notes ahead and behind you displayed as circular lines. Normal
notes are displayed in white, distance calls are displayed
in blue, and start/finish lines as red. You can left click at
the notes to select them, or right click to add a new note.

To change the note type click at the buttons in the middle of
the screen, and to change the extended flags use the buttons
at the right side of the screen. To move a note, drag it with
the left mouse button down in the pacenote bar. To delete a
note, select it, and while keeping the left mouse button down
click the right mouse button.

The three small buttons at the bottom left part of the screen
can be used to zoom the pacenote bar in and out, and toggle
autoselecting on and off (to automatically select notes as
you drive past them, normal notes only). The mouse wheel can
also be used to zoom the pacenote bar.

When you are done editing the pacenotes, click the save button
to save the notes. Note that you have to restart the stage for
the game to reload the new notes. You can also click reset to
reload the pacenotes in the editor, or undo to reset the currently
selected note to what it was before you selected it.

Note! The editor edits the game files (maps/track-XX_X.dls)
directly, and can therefore potentially break your game or
make future patches or mods not work. When you load a stage
for the first time with RBRdll active, RBRdll will attempt
to create a backup of the original stage notes to rbrdll/backups/
directory. In case something goes wrong, copy the backups
from that directory to the RBR maps directory.

 the avi recorder

The AVI recording feature records an AVI file with a fixed frame-
rate (set in the config file). Press App-R in-game to begin
recording, and App-T to stop. You can also press App-E to pause
the recording to change the camera view for example.

By default the AVI compressor uses uncompressed format, which
takes alot of space (For example, one second of 800x600 video
with 30 frames per second requires about 55MB of space). To
change the compressor, run RBRdll with '-confrec' commandline
parameter. The AVI compressor is ran in a separate thread, so
if you have a multiprocessor or hyperthreading system the
compression can take advantage of that.

When recording in fullscreen mode, make sure the compressor
you use doesn't pop up any status or notification windows
while recording as RBR doesn't like task switching in
fullscreen mode.

The AVI recording can use two different sources for frames,
the backbuffer or the frontbuffer. Using the back buffer is much
faster, but requires the direct3D device to be created with
a lockable back buffer which can reduce performance with some
3D cards. It is recommended to enable the backbuffer method
from the config when doing recordings and disable it when
playing the game normally.

The recorded AVI files only include video, so if you want
sounds to your video you need to record them with a separate
program while running the replay normally.

Automatic avi splitting can be configured from the config,
which automatically cuts the avi file recording and resumes
in another file when a certain size is reached. The default
setting is 2GB, which should work well for most uses. The
avi recorder, and the size counter break at 4GB so set the
limit below that.

 version history

* 1.3:
 - RBR v1.02 support (SSE version only)
 - Added option to enable three separate car setup slots
   for each rally
 - Added mod directory support
 - Compiler optimizations

* 1.2:
 - Added a pacenote editor
 - Added automatic file splitting into avi recording
 - Fixed bad performance with dynamic car reflections
 - Fixed avi record crash bug in resolutions with weird
   pitch values

* 1.1:
 - Added an avi recording feature
 - Added ability to enable new camera views
 - Fixed FPS meter with dynamic car reflections enabled

* 1.0:
 - First version

 known bugs

- Postprocessing doesn't work with antialiasing enabled

- Enabling replay minihud also enables the other overlays
 too if they are enabled from options. Also the co-driver
 sometimes calls out some countdown notes at the start
 of the replay.
- Key commands can sometimes be "laggy", by reacting late
 to press/release of key.
- Dropping the camera from an in-car or bumber view doesn't
 change the car model to a proper one.

- Frontbuffer based AVI recording doesn't work right in
 windowed mode

- With individual rally setups enabled, the setup names will
 be prefixed with the rally number


RBRdll is made by Kegetys <>

RBRdll includes code from:
- APIHijack DLL by Matt Pietrek/Wade Brainerd/Wei Junping
- DXDLL by Kegetys/Feersum Endjinn  
- AVI utilities by Lucian Wischik

 license & disclaimer

You are permitted to install and use this software for
personal entertainment purposes only. Any commercial,
military or educational use is strictly forbidden without
permission from the author.

You are free to distribute this software as you wish, as
long as it is kept 100% free of charge, it is not modified
in any way and this readme file is distributed with it.

The author takes no responsibility for any damages this
program may cause, use at your own risk.


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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 12 Sep 2009 10:56
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:20
Age: 59
Messages: 703
Localisation: Bastia

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
C'est déja ce que je fais: je lance RBRdll et j'ai bien trouvé les touches pour accelerer, ralenti, pause etc... mais pas de retour arrière.

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Sam 12 Sep 2009 11:25
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
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France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Ha mais ça, ça n'existe pas donc tu peux toujours chercher :D

Un replay c'est pas une vidéo ! ça ne fait que charger des paramètres dans le jeu et jouer à ta place (en gros).

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 12 Sep 2009 11:34
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:20
Age: 59
Messages: 703
Localisation: Bastia

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
ah ok, pas la peine que je cherche alors. Si je demandais ça c'est que sur d'autres jeux c'est possible sur les replays de faire retour arrière et je croyais que c'était possible aussi avec RBR.

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Sam 12 Sep 2009 11:51
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
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Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Utilise fraps pour enregistrer tes replays, c'est la seule solution pour avoir le retour arrière ;)


Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Sam 12 Sep 2009 13:14
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Ven 12 Juin 2009 09:20
Age: 59
Messages: 703
Localisation: Bastia

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
C'est ce que je fais aussi, mais je preferes enregistré les passages qui m'interressent directement avec fraps et les monter ensuite plutôt que d'enregister tout le replay et couper les morceaux qui m'interressent seulement, c'est plus rapide.
Ce que je vais faire en fait c'est selectionner seulement 5 ou 6 replays et capturer seulement les passages qui m'interessent, sinon si je dois me braquer la tonne de replays que j'ai en stock pour séléctionner les meilleurs passages j'en ai pour une semaine  :-?

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Sam 12 Sep 2009 14:01
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 22:24
Messages: 5301
Localisation: Clermont Ferrand - France
Team: None
Ecurie: Peinard Racing
N° de pilote: 51
Pseudo Live: Aube

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Là, il n'y a pas le choix...  :-?

Le forum et le Live de Rallyesim n'étant pas gratuits, faites un geste
The Rallyesim's forum and the Live aren't free, please feel free to do a gesture.
Merci ! Thank you!

Sam 12 Sep 2009 15:10
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Ven 29 Mai 2009 16:16
Messages: 833
N° de pilote: 496
Pseudo Live: gegewrc

Belgium (be)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Dans RBRdll, il y a moyen de modifier et d'ajouter des notes. Si l'on utilise cet outil, est-il compatible avec RSRBR2010? Je veux dire, RSRBR2010 remplacera les fichiers "notes" au lancement ou pas?  Merci  ;-) .

Mer 30 Déc 2009 14:56
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
gegewrc a écrit:
Dans RBRdll, il y a moyen de modifier et d'ajouter des notes. Si l'on utilise cet outil, est-il compatible avec RSRBR2010? Je veux dire, RSRBR2010 remplacera les fichiers "notes" au lancement ou pas?  Merci  ;-) .

Ce que tu risques c'est de flinguer le fichier de ta spéciale, sinon il ne sera pas écrasé. Attention si il s'agit d'une reverse, ça ne va pas enregistrer le bon fichier et au bon endroit ;)

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Mer 6 Jan 2010 16:24
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Mar 22 Déc 2009 21:22
Age: 36
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Team: black road racing
N° de pilote: 685
Pseudo Live: cyrilto

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
bonjour, alors moi quand je lance un de mes ralenti dans rbrdll.. ba j'ai un soucis
je vois le ralenti se charger je vois la voiture sur la ligne de départ et la ça coupe et mon temps de spéciale s'affiche comme si c'était déjà la fin du ralenti.
pouvez vous m'aider?


Sam 21 Aoû 2010 12:27
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
et bien soit :
- tu n'as pas sélectionné la bonne voiture dans RSRBR
- tu n'as pas sélectionné la bonne spéciale dans RSRBR
- tu n'as pas sélectionné la bonne surface (gravel etc..) dans RSRBR

avant de lancer rbrdll ;)

Il y a des tutos qui expliquent ce que tu veux faire.

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Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 21 Aoû 2010 14:38
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Mar 22 Déc 2009 21:22
Age: 36
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Localisation: auxerre
Team: black road racing
N° de pilote: 685
Pseudo Live: cyrilto

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
ah d'accord puré alors c'est super chaud car pour chaque enrgistrement de ralenti il faut bien mettre les infos...


Sam 21 Aoû 2010 15:05
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Sam 28 Mar 2009 21:02
Age: 60
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Pseudo Live: PHIL63

France (fr)

Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
Ben oui, comment veux tu que le jeu qui ne contient que 8 voitures à l'origine (je ne parle même pas des spéciales) sache faire la différence avec les + de 300 qu'il y a dans RSRBR :)

NB : Un replay ce n'est pas une vidéo au ralenti mais un enregistrement de paramètre permettant au jeu de reproduire ta course :)

--= PAS DE SUPPORT PAR MP =--, les réponses apportées sur le forum profitent à tous alors qu'une réponse en MP ne profite qu'à un seul individu.
Base de connaissance de RSRBR <--> FAQ de RSRBR<--> Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR
Les serveurs du forum et du Live n'étant pas gratuits ;) soyez sympa, faites un don à rallyesim :)

Sam 21 Aoû 2010 15:28
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Dim 15 Mai 2011 19:39
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Message Re: comment controler ses replays?
y'a un tuto sur le controle des replays?

Sam 28 Mar 2015 09:01
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