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 Camhack with joytokey? 
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Camhack with joytokey?
Hi there,

Has anyone ever used RBR/Camhack with joytokey or similar software?

I use joytokey for a button box with other sofware/sims and it works well. There are a few reasons why I think it's better than using the box directly as a joystick, including the fact that some software (rFactor, Game Stock Car, ETS2, etc.) only support up to 3 controllers.

The thing is: I can use the box with Camhack by binding the camera movement to button presses in camhack itself. However it seems that one cannot re-bind the preset buttons (such as "Ctrl-1" and "1"). So what I have is joytokey to send a "1" press when I press a button, and "Ctrl-1" when I press another. This would be handy because my keyboard is not right next to me when I drive, and it happens from time to time (no clue why) that my camera is not in the right position at the start of a stage. So I have to look for the keyboard, reach it, find the "1" key, and press it - all before the stage actually starts.

Oddly enough every other piece of software gets the correct input, including Windows itself. But there's no way camhack recognizes anything I set with joytokey.

Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks.

Sam 7 Fév 2015 03:52
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
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Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?

il y a un autre moyen pour régler la vue  ;-)

tu ouvres le dossier "plugin"

tu trouves la ligne nommée ""

tu renommes "pacenote.dll"

tu lances le jeu et quand la voiture est sur la ligne de départ, tu click 2 fois sur le bouton droit de la souris et tu peux régler la vue  ;-)

tu fais cela pour toute tes voitures

voici une petite vidéo explicative




Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Sam 7 Fév 2015 14:15
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
Thank you very much. I've been trying this one for the past days and it seems to be a good way to change camera position indeed.

I'm having two problems though. Sorry I didn't find a solution. I have searched for it but searching "pacenote" gives too many returns about lots of other things.


1) Every time I restart RSRBR (i.e., reload the game) the camera is swingman/3rd person. Not a huge deal, but I need to press "c" a few times until I get back to cockpit view. When I do the camera is where I set it last, however.

2) Every time I restart the computer the camera position settings are lost. That means the camera will be back in the default position and I'll have to position it again. This one is quite annoying. I am sure I am saving the camera position when I set it, and I am running everything as administrator too (Win 7).

Thanks again for any help.

Dim 15 Fév 2015 18:40
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
Yes, the backup is not done for some cars, you have to manually back up the .ini file or use CarIniManager


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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Dim 15 Fév 2015 18:51
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Mer 10 Juin 2009 21:07
Age: 62
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Ecurie: ColinMacRaeVision
N° de pilote: 7
Pseudo Live: Cromax

Switzerland (ch)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
tu veux mettre quelle vue?? la vue cockpit??

si c'est ça, il faut d'abord mettre cette vue par défaut.

tu lances le jeu RBR, tu choisis une voiture et la spéciale rallye School.
sur la ligne de départ, tu règles ta vue cockpit avec la touche C, tu roules la spéciale et à la fin tu sauve la progression.

tu fermes le jeu et tu lances RSRBR et là tu dois avoir la vue cockpit par défaut.

et là tu utilises le "pacenote" pour régler la vue comme tu veux et tu sauves.




Jouis du moment présent. Aujourd'hui fait partie du bon vieux temps dont tu seras nostalgique un jour.

Dim 15 Fév 2015 19:11
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Dim 1 Juin 2014 16:19
Messages: 12
N° de pilote: 9013

Brazil (br)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
Thank you both Cromax and Obelix!

I both edited the .ini manually and did the school trick to set cockpit as default. It seems to be working fine! Now I only need to learn how to drive the car  :-D

Thanks again  o|:)

Dim 15 Fév 2015 19:25
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Ven 20 Déc 2013 16:24
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Portugal (pt)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
How do I download the software program JoyToKey? :GGG

Lun 16 Fév 2015 11:06
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Dim 14 Juin 2009 17:51
Age: 75
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N° de pilote: 684
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Belgium (be)

Message Re: Camhack with joytokey?
Lun 16 Fév 2015 10:06 ici  fernando.s a écrit:
How do I download the software program JoyToKey? :GGG

Do you know?GOOGLE

Le français est une belle langue, essayons de la respecter !

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Utilitaire de dépannage RSRBR - Troubleshooting utility (Update 23)

Lun 16 Fév 2015 11:19
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